Artist Statement
I NEED to photograph to breathe…Photography is the study of myself, the universe, and everything that exists. Questions of life and death, and the meaning of existence have been in my mind since a near-death experience in my late teens. “Why am I here?” “Why are we here?” I look for the answer in every frame that I photograph. I believe that all forms of existence are connected. Relations among subjects in a frame and my emotional connection to the subjects create meanings and feelings in an image. I study my unconscious by examining the choices that I make in the images. I refine my work by meditating through the recursive process of photographing and editing.Facing death was the best blessing of my life. It altered my perception from the core, and clarified my priorities. I confront the fear and insecurity as a being through my work. I practice letting go of my attachments toward everything including my love of life, fear of death and desire for enlightenment by performing and grabbing the moment. My work is a manifestation of this practice: rebirth through letting go of self.Everything that appears disappears.